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Monday – December 11

Monday, December 11, 2023 Joshua 3:17, “And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until...

Saturday Poetry – December 9

Saturday Poetry, December 9, 2023 Psalm 56:11, “In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.” Sir Francis Bacon wrote, “There is a limit to pain, but no limit to fear.” Fear is impatient and does not trust. Fear demands relief now and...

Friday – December 8

Friday, December 8, 2023 Joshua 3:13, 15-16a, 17, “And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from...

Thursday – December 7

Thursday, December 7, 2023 Joshua 3:5, “And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.” The Bible is not simply a record of what God used to do. The Bible is also present-active-tense. This is...

Wednesday – December 6

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 Joshua 2:9-11, “And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you. For we have heard how...