Joshua 3:17, “And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan.”
Unbelief says, “Let’s go back where it’s safe.” That’s what happened to the Israelites 40 years prior to this moment. But it’s never safe to distrust God. That previous generation feared walled cities and giants more than they feared God, and because of their unbelief they did not enter in to their inheritance. Instead, their “carcasses fell in the wilderness,” to quote Hebrews 3:17. Faith says, “Let’s press on to where God has called us. In Him we are overcomers!” God’s promises never fail. We may fail to trust Him, but His promises never fail. The principle of faith has not changed. It does not matter what your background is, what training you have or have not had, what your personality is, education level, or any other ability that you may or may not possess. Ability is important, but to press on in faith for the cause of Christ requires your AVAILABILITY and personal RESPONSIBILTY. God will provide the rest. He has brought us out that He might bring us in.