Hebrews 13:15, “By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.”
Work for God that is not sustained by wonder at God is a weariness of the flesh. Worship and witness will be simply exhausting work if it is not preceded and carried by a sense of wonder at the glory of our Lord! We must cultivate hearts of praise, and I purposefully said “hearts” because the “fruit of [our] lips” is the natural outgrowth of our hearts. What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart (Matt. 15:18). While we cannot divorce the fact that what comes out of our mouth originates in our hearts, we must also understand that the sacrifice of praise involves our lips. God desires that His name is “continually” praised from our lips. This means real sounds and real words. There is no reason to live at a level of praise that is beneath this text. God would not have called us to this experience if it were bad or impossible. Now, I am not suggesting that you tack “Praise the Lord!” on to the end of every sentence, but I do mean that we should weave worship into all parts of our lives. This is not just silent praise, but “the fruit of our lips.” Is God’s greatness and goodness continually and verbally expressed from your mouth?